We've carefully selected the shipping options for each product on our site to ensure you receive the fastest, safest, and most reliable delivery service possible. Each item's delivery options will be noted on its product page, as well as in the shopping cart. Please note we cannot ship to P.O. Boxes or Military APOs.
Small Parcel
Signatures are not required for Small Parcel deliveries, but the decision to leave your package will ultimately be at the discretion of the delivering carrier. If you have any special delivery instructions for the carrier, we recommend placing a note on your door on the day of delivery referencing your tracking number and request.
The delivering carrier and available ship methods will vary depending on your destination:
United States
Deliveries within the United States will be completed by UPS or FedEx. Available shipping services will be noted in your shopping cart, but generally include:
Please allow the full processing time required to ship from the warehouse (specified on each product page), plus 3-8 business days in transit for delivery.
Please allow the full processing time required to ship from the warehouse plus 3-6 business days in transit for delivery.
*Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico? Enter your shipping zip code in the Shopping Cart to calculate additional fees/shipping restrictions
Signatures are not required for Small Parcel deliveries, but the decision to leave your package will ultimately be at the discretion of the delivering carrier. If you have any special delivery instructions for the carrier, we recommend placing a note on your door on the day of delivery referencing your tracking number and request. The delivering carrier and available ship methods will vary depending on your destination:
Deliveries within the United States will be completed by USPS, UPS or FedEx. Available shipping services in your area will be noted in your shopping cart
Deliveries and cost will be generated by DHL prices does not include import taxes VAT for your country.